Prism is 4 for 4 in securing funding with our academic clients

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November 9, 2022

The title pretty much says it all. Prism has been involved in four grant applications from four different funding agencies (two in the U.S., two in Europe), and I am very proud to share that all of them have been awarded funding!

But before going any further, let me acknowledge that the lion’s share of the credit, of course, goes to the principal investigators on these funding applications, whose expertise and ideas are being rightly recognized by these agencies.

However, I know from having been an academic for a little over a decade that getting funding is pretty much a numbers game. This is not to say that the merit of a researcher or proposal has nothing to do with success. It absolutely does! But there are many more qualified researchers with great ideas than there are resources to fund them. So the way it typically works is that you apply for lots of opportunities assuming that if you are very lucky, you may receive about 30% of those awards.

This is why I am extra excited about our 100% success rate for grant funding: We are crushing those odds! And more importantly: We are helping investigators who share our vision for what research should be to succeed in making that vision a reality.

If you’re an academic investigator reading this and you’re now wondering if incorporating our cutting-edge, meta-science products might put your next grant application over the top: Don’t hesitate. Email me now ( and let’s talk about how Prism may be able to help!

Summary of Funding Success

Funding Institution: Arnold Ventures
Academic Institution: UC Davis
Prism product: Automated evidence assessment

Funding Institution: U.S. National Institutes of Health
Academic Institution: UC Davis
Prism product: Automated evidence assessment

Funding Institution: U.K. Medical Research Council
Academic Institution: University of Aberdeen
Prism product: Interactive evidence landscape

Funding Institution: European Research Council
Academic Institution: London School of Economics
Prism product: Data visualization dossier

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